Campus Resources


Aurora Center

This center provides legal, medical, housing and academic advocacy through a 24-hour crisis line to victims/survivors of sexual assault, relationship violence and stalking.

Boynton Health Services

Boynton is a full-service primary care clinic and wellness facility that provides high quality care for students, staff, and faculty.  Also provides mental health services including urgent mental health consultations.

Center for Academic Planning & Exploration

The Center for Academic Planning and Exploration (CAPE) provides personalized one-to-one coaching to help students develop an Action Plan to aid in their major and career decision-making processes.

Center for Writing/Student Writing Support

Student Writing Support provides free face-to-face and online assistance at all stages of writing projects. Make appointments and see the complete description on the website.

Disabled Student Cultural Center (DSCC)

This student organization seeks to improve the campus climate for people with disabilities and to foster a sense of identity, community and pride among disabled students.  DSCC welcomes the participation of any student, whether disabled or not. The center has social and study spaces with internet-equipped computers, JAWS screen reader, and Dragon Naturally Speaking, as well as TTY/video phones, a microwave and refrigerator.

Effective U

Effective U provides skill-building modules to help students improve study, time management, stress management, exam preparation, etc. 

The Gender and Sexuality Center for Queer and Trans Life

The Gender and Sexuality Center for Queer and Trans Life programs are dedicated to improving campus climate for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people and their allies by addressing the harmful effects of discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, and/or gender expression.

Housing and Residential Life

This office provides individualized services for all students, staff and faculty who are interested in available housing both on and off campus.

Libraries to U

If you need help accessing library holdings because of a disability, there are several options: (1) DRC can arrange for someone to assist you in the library; (2) contact the library ahead of time and they will arrange for someone to assist you; (3) use the document retrieval service by calling with journal or book citations and requesting that the library staff retrieve your materials and deliver them to a campus mail address (There may be a fee for this service).

Multicultural Center for Academic Excellence (MCAE)

MCAE addresses issues that affect the University of Minnesota community and its members. Some of the subjects most often illuminated are those affecting diversity, racial issues, campus life, internship opportunities, campus events, and campus resources such as diversity training workshops, scholarship information, mentoring programs, academic offerings and study abroad.

Office of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action

This office plans and coordinates affirmative action programs, monitors compliance with these programs and University policy, maintains records of the program and resolves discrimination complaints.

Parking and Transportation Services

This office provides information on parking, U of M buses, paratransit, bikes, motorcycles and construction updates. Please note that anyone wishing to obtain a disability-parking permit must apply to the state. Call the state office at 651-296-6911 or 651-282-6555 (TTY) for parking permit information.

Scholarships and Financial Aid

This office provides assistance with financial aid questions or concerns.

Security Monitors and Campus Escorts

The Security Monitor Program offers free walking and biking security escorts to and from campus locations and nearby neighborhoods for all students, staff, faculty and visitors.

TASC (Tutoring and Academic Success Center)

TASC offers free academic support in a variety of subjects in three locations: Wilson Library, Magrath Library and Klaeber Court. Peer Learning Consultants offer one-on-one assistance as well as group support for students taking gateway courses or struggling with mathematics, sciences, statistics, economics, writing or library research. 

Student Conflict Resolution Center (SCRC)

SCRC actively assists University students with campus-based problems. The most common types of problems are grade and academic disputes, financial aid and billing problems, and disputes between professors and students.

Student Parent HELP Center

The Student Parent HELP (Higher Education for Low-Income People) Center offers programs and services that are designed to promote access, retention, and academic success for undergraduate students who have children. The center offers various academic and family support services and has programs for student parents registered in any undergraduate college on the Twin Cities campus.

Student Unions & Activities

The Coffman Union and St. Paul Student Center both provide a place where students and the campus community can connect to student organizations, convenient services, entertainment, dining options, meeting and event spaces, and more.

Student Counseling Services (SCS)

SCS offers individual and group counseling on academic, personal and career issues. LASC (Learning & Academic Skills Center), one of the SCS programs, offers classes, workshops, and one-to-one work on the skills needed by students to be successful in academic work, such as time management, effective note-taking, anti-procrastination and test-taking strategies.

Office of Human Resources

Contact this office for information about full and part-time jobs both on and off campus.

University Student Legal Services

Funded by student fees, this office provides a variety of legal services to full-time students.

The Women’s Center

This office endeavors to improve the campus climate for women faculty, staff and students. The office provides mentoring, educational enrichment and leadership development opportunities. There are also programs and events available that address interests and issues that concern women.